
Riezki Amalia, M.Si., Ph.D


Name : Riezki Amalia,S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D
Date & place of birth : Sungai Liat, 8 Juni 1983
Affiliation : Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Padjadjaran
Address : Graha Kadumulya no. 12 Rt. 04 RW. 04, Blok Kadumulya, Cihanjuang, Parongpong, Kab. Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
Email address :
Position : Lecturer/ Head of Cell and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Padjadjaran
Expertise : Cell signaling, cancer signaling, molecular biology, biotechnology

B. Education

2001-2005 : Bachelor in Chemistry (Chemistry department, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia)
2006-2009 : Master in Biochemistry (Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia)
2013-2017 : Ph.D in Biomedical Sciences (Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Tsukuba University, Japan)

C. Organisation

D.    Research & Research Grant (in the last 5 years)

No. Title Year Research Funder
1. Identifikasi peran protein TMEPAI (transmembrane prostate androgen induced protein) pada aktivitas tumorigensis kanker kolon 2018-2019 Hibah Internal Unpad
2. Pengembangan dan Modifikasi Polimer PEI Sebagai Reagen Transfeksi dengan Sitoksisitas Rendah terhadap Lini Sel Mamalia 2020-2021 Hibah Internal Unpad


E. Community Service

No. Title Year Place
1. Penyuluhan Risiko kanker dan pola hidup sehat 2018 Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Indonesia
2. Penyuluhan Risiko kanker Payudara dan pola hidup sehat 2019 Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Indonesia
3 Peningkatan Pemahaman Masyarakat Desa Cihanjuang-Kabupaten Bandung Barat terhadap Protokol kesehatan dan Pola Hidup Sehat dalam Masa Normal Baru Pandemi COVID-19 2020 Kabuparen bandung Barat, Indonesia


F. Publications in the last 5 years (H-index: 3 (Scholar), 2 (Scopus))

International Journal

No Tittle Journal Year Quartiles
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1 PMEPA1/TMEPAI isoforms function via its PY and Smad-interaction motifs for tumorigenic activities of breast cancer cells Genes to Cells, 2020, 25(6), pp. 375–390 2020
2. Orf239342 from the mushroom Agaricus bisporus is a mannose binding protein BBRC, 2019, 515(1), pp. 99–103 2019
3. TMEPAI/PMEPA1 inhibits Wnt signaling by regulating β-catenin stability and nuclear accumulation in triple negative breast cancer cells Cellular Signalling,  2019, 59, pp. 24–33 2019

National Accreditation Journal

No Tittle Journal Year Sinta
S1-S2 S3-S4 S5-S5
1 Heterologous Expression of a-Amylase from Saccharomycopsis Fibuligera R64 and Its Tyr401Trp Mutant in Pichia Pastoris. Microbiology Indonesia, 10(1), 23-29 2019
2 Analysis of the relationship between human cytomegalovirus DNA and gB-1 genotype in the saliva of HIV/AIDS patients with xerostomia and salivary flow rate. Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi), 52 (4), 197-203 2019
3 Kadar Kalkon Total di dalam Ekstrak Etanol Batang Ashitaba (Angelica keiskei Koidzumi). FITOFARMAKA: Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi, 9 (2), 96-102 2019
4 Detection of Epstein-Barr Virus in Saliva and Gen LMP1 among HIVInfected Patients. Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 26 (2), 5 2019
5 Identifikasi Mycobacterium tuberculosis Resisten terhadap Isoniazid dan Rifampisin pada Galur Lokal Balai Laboratorium Kesehatan Provinsi JawaBarat. Jurnal Kimia Valensi, (2), 107-118 2018



No Seminar/Symposium Place Year Position
Plenary/Invited Oral Poster
1 1st AASP (Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy) Young Scientist Conference. Online Conference 2020
2 The 1st ITB International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy ” (ICPSP). Bandung, Indonesia 2020
3 The 2nd Bandung International Conference on Collaborative Health Research “Expanding Collaboration in Treating Non-Communicable Diseases” Bandung, Indonesia 2019
4 1st Post graduate Seminar in Pharmaceutical Sciences Technology and Healt Care Perspective Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2018
5 The 77th Annual Meeting of Japanese Cancer Association; Diving Deeper into Cancer Research Osaka, Japan 2018
6 The 4th international Seminar on Chemistry 2017 Bandung, Indonesia 2017
7 The 16th Joint Mini-symposium 2017 of National Taiwan University, Kyoto University and University of Tsukuba Tsukuba, Japan 2017
8 Molecular Biology Society-Japan (MBSJ) 2016 Yokohama, Japan 2016
9 EMBO conference on Wnt meeting 2016 Brno, Czech Rep. 2016
10 Tsukuba Global Science Week 2015 Tsukuba, Japan 2015
11 TGF-β meeting 2015 Ludwig Cancer Institute, Uppsala, Sweden. 2015


a. Scientific Journal  
No Position and Journal Year
1 Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2018-now
    b. Research Proposal  
No Organization Year


No. Title No Patent Years


No Tittles Press ISBN Year
1 2015