
Bachelor Program in Pharmacy



Pharmacy professional profiles known as Nine Star Pharmacist including pharmacist as:

  1. caregiver, 
  2. teacher/educator,  
  3. scientific comprehension & research abilities, 
  4. life long learner,  
  5. leader, 
  6. decision maker,
  7. manager, 
  8. communicator, 
  9. teamwork abilities, personal/professional responsibilities. 

Competencies and Learning objectives of Bachelor program are defined based on Indonesian Standard of Apothecary competences (SKAI)  year 2016.  as follows:

  1.  Obeying the law and discipline in social and state life.
  2. Internalize academic values, norms, and ethics, and show an independent attitude of responsibility for pharmaceutical work.
  3. Internalize independent attitude and entrepreneurship in pharmaceutical field
  4. Apply the logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing pharmaceutical science and technology
  5. Compile a scientific description of the results of the study in the form of a final assignment and upload it on the university webpage.
  6. Able to make correct decisions in the context of problem solving in the pharmaceutical sector, based on the results of information and data analysis.
  7. Able to be responsible for work in the pharmaceutical field in accordance with the pharmaceutical code of ethics.
  8. Able to perform pharmaceutical practices supervised by pharmacists in accordance with regulatory provisions.
  9. Able to optimize the use of rational pharmaceutical dosage forms based on scientific considerations, guidelines and evidence-based to optimize the success of therapy under pharmacist supervision
  10. Able to perform dispensing of pharmaceutical dosage forms and medical devices based on regulatory and standard under supervision of pharmacist
  11. Able to search, analyze, and organize information about pharmaceutical preparations and medical devices that are precise, accurate, relevant and communicate effectively with patients according to their needs under the supervision of pharmacists.
  12. Able to formulate and produce appropriate pharmaceutical preparations, according to standards and statutory provisions under the supervision of pharmacists.
  13. Able to search, analyze, and organize information about pharmaceutical preparations and communicate those informations effectively as preventive and promotive public health efforts under the supervision of pharmacists
  14. Able to manage the design, selection, procurement, storage, distribution, destruction and withdrawal of pharmaceutical preparations and medical devices in an effective and efficient manner under the supervision of pharmacists.
  15. Able to demonstrate effective communication skills with patients and health workers through verbal and non-verbal techniques under the supervision of a pharmacist.
  16. Able to demonstrate managerial  skills and interpersonal relationships in conducting pharmaceutical works  under the supervision of a pharmacist.

The formulation of courses offered in the Bachelor Program in Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Padjadjaran is based on the profiles of graduates and mastery of skills in each profile. The following steps are thus taken:

  1. determining the subjects of study by referring to the learning outcomes, and
  2. identifying the breadth and depth of mastery of the subjects based on the discipline.


Learning objective



Obeying the law and discipline in social and state life.

Civil Education

Sport fitness creativity and character development


Community service


Internalize academic values, norms, and ethics, and show an independent attitude of responsibility for pharmaceutical work.

Introduction to Pharmacy and ethics

Field study


Internalize independent attitude and entrepreneurship in pharmaceutical field

Management, Regulation and Entrepreneurship Pharmacy


apply the logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing pharmaceutical science and technology

Research methodology and biostatistics


Compile a scientific description of the results of the study in the form of a final assignment and upload it on the university webpage.

Research methodology and biostatistics


Able to make correct decisions in the context of problem solving in the pharmaceutical sector, based on the results of information and data analysis.

Research methodology and biostatistics


Able to be responsible for work in the pharmaceutical field in accordance with the pharmaceutical code of ethics.

Management, Regulation and Entrepreneurship Pharmacy



Able to perform pharmaceutical practices supervised by pharmacists in accordance with regulatory provisions.

Pharmacotherapy of Immunology and Oncology 

Pharmacotherapy of Infection Disease

Pharmacotherapy of Infectious Diseases, Immunologic Disorders and Oncology Practice

Pharmacotherapy Skin Disorders, Bone and Joints, Eye, Ent, Nerves and Psychiatry Practice

Pharmacotherapy of Neurological Disorders and Psychiatry

Pharmacotherapy Respiratory Disorders

Pharmacotherapy Gastrointestinal and Nutritional Therapy Disorders

Pharmacotherapy of Endocrine and Gynaecology Disorder

Pharmacotherapy Gastrointestinal Disorders, Nutrition, Endocrine and Gynecology practice

Pharmacotherapy  Hematology, Vascular and Cardiovascular disorders

Pharmacotherapy Kidney and Urinary Tract Disorders

Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance


Able to optimize the use of rational pharmaceutical dosage forms based on scientific considerations, guidelines and evidence-based to optimize the success of therapy under pharmacist supervision

Pharmacotherapy of Immunology and Oncology 

Pharmacotherapy of Infection Disease

Pharmacotherapy of Infectious Diseases, Immunologic Disorders and Oncology Practice

Pharmacotherapy Skin Disorders, Bone and Joints, Eye, Ent, Nerves and Psychiatry Practice

Pharmacotherapy of Neurological Disorders and Psychiatry

Pharmacotherapy Respiratory Disorders

Pharmacotherapy Gastrointestinal and Nutritional Therapy Disorders

Pharmacotherapy of Endocrine and Gynaecology Disorder

Pharmacotherapy Gastrointestinal Disorders, Nutrition, Endocrine and Gynecology practice

Pharmacotherapy  Hematology, Vascular and Cardiovascular disorders

Pharmacotherapy Kidney and Urinary Tract Disorders

Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance


Able to perform dispensing of pharmaceutical dosage forms and medical devices based on regulatory and standard under supervision of pharmacist


Pharmaceutics practice

Pharmaceutical Practice


Able to search, analyze, and organize information about pharmaceutical preparations and medical devices that are precise, accurate, relevant and communicate effectively with patients according to their needs under the supervision of pharmacists.

Physical chemistry

Physical pharmacy

Physical pharmacy practice

Physical chemistry practice

introduction on chemical pharmacy

introduction on chemical pharmacy practice

introduction on medicinal chemistry

introduction on medicinal chemistry practice

instrumental analysis

instrumental analysis practice


biochemistry practice

medicinal chemistry

Formulation and Technology of Liquid and Semisolid Preparations 

Formulation and Technology of Liquid and Semisolid Preparations Practice

Formulation and Technology of solid Preparations 

Formulation and Technology of solid Preparations Practice

Pharmacy Analysis of Liquid and Semisolid Preparations

Pharmacy Analysis of Liquid and Semisolid Preparations Practice

Pharmacy Analysis of Solid Preparations

Pharmacy Analysis of solid Preparations Practice

Theory and Synthesis of Radiopharmaceuticals

Electrochemical Application in the Field of Pharmacy

Analysis of Food and Contaminants

Practical Analysis of Food and Contaminants

Analysis of the Herbal Medicinal Chemicals

Development of analytical methods

Development of analytical methods practice

Drug design and development

Drug design and development practice

quality assurance

Basic Pharmacology

Basic Pharmacology practice



Phytochemistry practice


Able to formulate and produce appropriate pharmaceutical preparations, according to standards and statutory provisions under the supervision of pharmacists

Preformulation of Liquid and Semisolid Preparation

Preformulation of solid Preparation

Formulation and technology of Liquid and Semisolid Preparation

Formulation and technology of Liquid and Semisolid Preparation Practice

Formulation and technology of solid Preparation

Formulation and technology of solid Preparation practice

Cosmetics and cosmeceuticals

New drug delivery system

Drug stability



Formulation and technology of sterile preparations

Formulation and technology of sterile preparations practice

Pharmaceutical engineering

Pharmaceutical excipients


Able to search, analyze, and organize information about pharmaceutical preparations and communicate those informations effectively as preventive and promotive public health efforts under the supervision of pharmacists.

Formulation and technology of Liquid and Semisolid Preparation

Formulation and technology of Liquid and Semisolid Preparation Practice

Formulation and technology of solid Preparation

Formulation and technology of solid Preparation practice

Formulation and technology of sterile preparations

Formulation and technology of sterile preparations practice

Medicinal chemistry

Pharmacy Analysis of Liquid and Semisolid Preparations

Pharmacy Analysis of Liquid and Semisolid Preparations Practice

Pharmacy Analysis of Solid Preparations

Pharmacy Analysis of solid Preparations Practice

Theory and Synthesis of Radiopharmaceuticals

Botanical pharmacy

Botanical pharmacy practice

Pharmacognosy and herbal pharmacy of liquid and semisolid preparation

Pharmacognosy and herbal pharmacy of liquid and semisolid preparation practice

Pharmacognosy and herbal pharmacy of solid preparation

Pharmacognosy and herbal pharmacy of solid preparation practice

Herbal medicine


Marine pharmacy


Able to manage the design, selection, procurement, storage, distribution, destruction and withdrawal of pharmaceutical preparations and medical devices in an effective and efficient manner under the supervision of pharmacists.

Pharmaceutical supply management

Introduction to industrial pharmacy


Able to demonstrate effective communication skills with patients and health workers through verbal and non-verbal techniques under the supervision of a pharmacist.

Clinical pharmacy

Clinical pharmacy practice


Able to demonstrate managerial  skills and interpersonal relationships in conducting pharmaceutical works  under the supervision of a pharmacist.

Clinical pharmacy

Clinical pharmacy practice

The curriculum implemented in the Bachelor Program in Pharmacy follows the standards of the National Curriculum of Higher Education and of the Indonesian Association of Higher Education in Pharmacy, with a number of locally characteristic courses. The curriculum comes under evaluation every five (5) years in a curriculum evaluation workshop.

Click here for the detail of curriculum 2014

Click here for the detail of curriculum 2020



Module Description Curriculum 2020

Module Description Curriculum 2014

The Universitas Padjadjaran Faculty of Pharmacy employs the Semester Credit System in providing educational services. This system provides the opportunity for:

  1. Excellent students to complete the program in a shorter period of time;
  2. Students to take courses based on their individual competences, aptitudes, and interests; 
  3. The implementation of effective student evaluation. 


Semester Credit Units (Satuan Kredit Semester (SKS) is a measure of workloads towards the learning experience taken for one semester through scheduled activities per week.

Workload per Semester is the number of credits taken by a student in a semester, while the Cumulative Workload is the minimum number of credits which has to be taken by student for completing the learning process in a particular study program.

  Cumulative Study Time is the maximum time which has to be taken by a student to complete his/her studies in a study program. For the Bachelor program in Pharmacy, a minimum of 144 credits for eight-semester study period and a maximum of 14 semesters. Academic leave is not counted as a student’s study period. 

One credit unit (SKS) for college activities is set to be equivalent to the workload of each week for one semester, which consists of the following three activities:

  1. 1 hour (50 minutes) of scheduled lectures.
  2. 1 hour (60 minutes) of structured activities outside the classroom.
  3. 1 hour (60 minutes) of independent activities.

One credit unit for seminar activity is set to be equivalent with 100 minutes scheduled lecturer and 70 minutes independent studies. The minimum number of literature which is used as a reference and summarized for presentation in front of the forum is 3 (three) titles, depending on the weight of the literature.

One credit unit for laboratory activity in the laboratory is set to be equivalent with 170 minutes of scheduled laboratory work, accompanied by structured activities outside the laboratory, but planned by the related teaching staff, including discussion and writing reports every week for one semester and independent activities, including reading reference books, get better understanding on the material and completing assignments.

One credit unit for fieldwork, clinical work and similar activities is set to be equivalent to a workload of 170 minutes scheduled activities per week for one semester.  One credit unit for thesis writing, research activities, and similar activities basically refers to fieldwork.

One credit for internship report writing activities refers to fieldwork, is set to be equivalent to a workload of 170 minutes scheduled activities per week for one semester. 

The learning process is carried out using the student-centered learning (SCL) method. The implementation of this method is adjusted with the policies of each study program, including problem-based learning, role playing, simulations, case studies, presentations, mini lectures and group discussions.

Student Registration


In the beginning of each semester students must perform two kinds of registration, namely administrative and academic. 


Administrative Registration 

  1. Administrative registration is done online, namely registration and  re-registration in the beginning of each semester. 
  2. Administrative registration is done by both new and current students to determine their administrative status. 
  3. The requirements for administrative registration for new and current students are stipulated in the Universitas Padjadjaran Handbook. 
  4. Students who fail to carry out administrative registration shall not receive academic services. 
  5. Academic registration is carried out by completing the Study Plan Card to register for courses and receive academic services. 
  6. The registration for courses are done online through the Unpad Integrated Administrative Information System (SIAT) to be accessed via 
  7. The registration for courses is verified by the academic adviser. When deemed necessary, the student may consult the academic adviser. 

Academic Registration

Procedure for new students:

Student candidates who have been accepted must register online, make payments through selected banks, obtain student cards, student handbooks, and almamater jackets. 


Cards and Lists


In the implementation of academic administration there are a number of cards and lists as follows. 


Study Plan Card (SPC/KRS)

  1. The SPC contains the list of courses taken in a particular semester; 
  2. The SPC is completed online by the student in his/her SIAT account and approved by the academic adviser. 
  3. The SPC is then submitted to the Academic Office 

Change in Study Plan Card (CSPC/PKRS)

With the approval of the academic adviser a student may make changes to their SPC (change, add, or delete courses) up to ten (10) work days following the first day of classes or two (2) weeks, after which changes to the SPC cannot be made. 

The revised SPC must be completed online by the student on his/her SIAT account and approved by the academic adviser, and subsequently submitted to the Academic Office no later than the second week of classes. 


Attendance List of Students and Instructors (ALSI / DHMD)

  1. The ALSI contains the names of students and their respective student numbers taking a particular course.
  2. The ALSI is signed by the student and instructor (or his/her teaching assistant) at the end of each class meeting.
  3. The ALSI is kept in the Academic Office 
  4. The ALSI kept by the instructor must be submitted to the Academic Office at the end of the semester as reference to generate the Final Grade Participants List (PGPL). 

Academic Progress Card (APC/KKS)

  1. The APC contains the grades for all the courses taken by a student in a particular semester and provides the maximum number of credit-hours eligible to be taken in the following semester.
  2. The APC is issued by the Academic Office of the Faculty of Pharmacy 
  3. The APC is used as reference in completing the SPC for the following semester.

Student Achievement List (SAL/DPM)

  1. The SAL contains the Grade Point Average (GPA) of all students in a particular class in a particular program, the number of semesters, and the study load already taken, as well as the name and the code of the academic adviser. 
  2. The SAL is validated and signed by the Dean. 
  3. The SAL is issued to the students at the end of each semester. 

Academic Achievement Card (AAC/KPA)

The Academic Achievement Card (AAS) contains all of the courses and the grades thereof that a student has taken. It may serve as a provisional academic transcript or  the compilation of APCs. The issuance of the APC depends on the needs of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Guidance and counseling are provided to students of Universitas Padjadjaran experiencing academic and non-academic problems so that they are able to overcome those problems and so that they can develop and recognize their potential for the purposes of completing their studies. 

The procedure for guidance and counseling services are as follows. 

  1. A student may come to the guidance and counseling team of the Faculty of Pharmacy by his/her own initiative or by the advice of the academic adviser. The academic adviser shall provide a letter to the team. 
  2. Services to students are only provided by the University guidance and counseling team with the reference from the Dean unless there are pressing circumstances. 
  3. For services for students who are advised to change programs, the following procedure applies. 
    • A request is filed by the student, parent or guardian to receive guidance and counseling. 
    • The academic transcript of the student is provided. 
    • A request to take a Psychological Test is submitted on behalf of the student by the Faculty administrators (the Dean or a Vice-Dean) or University administrators (the Rector or a Vice-Rector) to the team. 
    • The findings and results of the Psychological Test are issued by the University Guidance and Counseling Team. 

Academic Consultations

To facilitate the learning process of students the Faculty of Pharmacy appoints an academic adviser to a student for as long as the student studies at the Undergraduate Program in Pharmacy. The number of students assigned to an academic adviser is based on the capacity of the Faculty of Pharmacy

The following stipulations apply.

  1. Basically, any faculty member can be an academic adviser for a student of any program. 
  2. The academic adviser is obligated to maintain contact with the student to whom he/she is assigned periodically to monitor the development of the student’s studies, at least in the beginning, in the middle of and in the end of each semester. 
  3. The academic adviser must have completed the Student Information Files, for the purposes of academic or personal guidance when needed. 
  4. The tasks of the academic adviser are:
    • To assist the student in planning his/her studies in each semester according to the student’s needs.
    • To provide considerations to the student in determining study load and the courses taken based on the student;s GPA in the previous semesters.
    • To monitor the progress of the student’s academic activities.
  5. In the beginning of the semester the academic adviser holds a meeting with the student to discuss the study plans or the semester.
