
Dr. apt. Yasmiwar Susilawati, M.Si

Kepala Pusat Studi Herbal


Name : Dr.  Apt. Yasmiwar Susilawati, M.Si.
Date & place of birth : May 18th , 1969 in Bandung
Affiliation : Universitas Padjadjaran
Address : Jl. Giri Mekar Permai I  No. C-7 Komp. Giri Mekar Permai Cilengkrang, Bandung 40612
Email address :
Position : Head of the Center for Herbal Studies, Faculty of Pharmacy-UNPADStaff Biology Pharmacy Department
Expertise : Natural product, Medicinal plant



1998  – 1994 : Bachelor Degree of Pharmaceutical Science, UNPAD
1994  –  1995 : Pharmacist Professional Program, UNPAD
1999 – 20022011 – 2015 :: Master Degree of Pharmaceutical Science, ITBDoctor of Chemistry Study Program, UNPAD


  1. Member of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association
  2. Member of the Indonesian Association of Natural Chemical Materials

 Research & Research Grant (in the last 5 years)

No. Title Year Research Funder
1. Produksi Ekstrak Kelopak Bunga Rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L. ) Skala Pilot sebagai Bahan Baku Obat Herbal Terstandar 2015 Kemenkes
2. Potensi Tumbuhan Dadap Ayam (Erythrina variegata) Sebagai Produk Herbal Terstandar Antimalaria 2015 Hibah Kompetitif
3 Potensi Tumbuhan Pirdot (Sauauria bracteosa) Sebagai Antidiabetes dan Antioksidan 2016 Hibah Pekerti
4 Pengujian Simplisia dan Ekstrak Daun Pepaya (Carica papaya) dalam rangka Penyusunan Supplemen I FHI edisi II 2016 Kemenkes
5 Pengujian Simplisia dan Ekstrak Daun Iler dalam rangka Penyusunan Supplemen I FHI edisi II 2016 Kemenkes
6 Pengujian Simplisia dan Ekstrak Cabe Rawit dalam rangka Penyusunan Supplemen I FHI edisi II 2016 Kemenkes
7 Pengujian Simplisia dan Ekstrak Daun Urang-Aring dalam rangka Penyusunan Supplemen I FHI edisi II 2016 Kemenkes
8 Produksi Ekstrak Terstandar Daun Pepaya (Carica Papaya) Skala Pilot Sebagai Bahan Baku Obat Herbal Terstandar Untuk Penanganan Demam Berdarah Dengue 2017 BBOT (Kemenkes)
9 Penelusuran Senyawa Bioaktif Antihipertensi dengan Metode Isolasi yang Dipandu Uji Aktivitas Secara in vivo dari Kelopak Bunga Rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) dan Prediksi Mekanisme secara Docking 2017 HIU RKDU (I)
10 Penelusuran Senyawa Bioaktif Antihipertensi dengan Metode Isolasi yang Dipandu Uji Aktivitas Secara in vivo dari Kelopak Bunga Rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) dan Prediksi Mekanisme secara Docking 2018 HIU RKDU (II)
11 Produksi Simplisia Terstandar Rimpang Jahe Merah pada Fasilitas Pusat Pengolahan Pasca Panen Tumbuhan Obat (P4TO) Soreang Kabupaten Bandung 2019 BBOT (Kemenkes)
12 Produksi Simplisia Terstandar Rimpang Kunyit pada Fasilitas Pusat Pengolahan Pasca Panen Tumbuhan Obat  (P4TO) Soreang Kabupaten Bandung 2019 BBOT (Kemenkes)
13 Produksi Simplisia Terstandar Rimpang Kencur pada Fasilitas Pusat Pengolahan Pasca Panen Tumbuhan Obat di Kabupaten Bandun(P4TO) Soreang Kabupaten Bandung g 2019 BBOT (Kemenkes)
14 Herbal Imunostimulan dari Kombinasi Ekstrak Daun Pepaya, Herba Meniran dan rimpang Kunyit 2019 PTUPT, Kemenristek Dikti
15 Tonikum herbal dari Kombinasi Ekstrak Daun Pepaya, Herba Meniran, rimpang Kunyit dan Bratawali  2019 LAFIAD
16 Herbal Imunostimulan dari Kombinasi Ekstrak Daun Pepaya, Herba Meniran dan rimpang Kunyit 2020 PTUPT, Kemenristek Dikti


  1. Community Service
No. Title Year Place
1. Education on the Use of Medicinal Plants, Development of Herbal Cadres, and Application of Essential Oil Distillation Tools for Handling Dengue Fever in Cilayung Village Communities 2016 Cilayung Sumedang
2. Herbal Counseling for the Management of Metabolic Disorders and Cancer 2017 Arjawinangun Cirebon
3. Integrated Pharmaceutical Services for Medical Workers in an Effort to Improve the Degree of Public Health 2018
4. Education on the Utilization of Rosella Flower Petals in an Effort to Improve the Degree of Public Health 2018 Ciwaringin District, Cirebon Regency
5. Utilization of Herbs for Handling Kidney Disorders 2018 Pemda Cirebon
6. Herbal education which is useful for dengue fever and malaria 2019 Pangandaran


  1. Publications in the last 5 years (H-index: XX (Scholar), XX (Scopus))

International Journal


No Tittle Journal Year Quartiles
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1 (S)-2-Methyl-2-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)-6-(propan-2-ylidene)-3,4,6,7-tetrahydropyrano[4,3-g]chromen-9(2H)-one Molbank, M855; doi:10.3390/M855 2015
2 Hair Growth Potential Combination of Celery (Apium graveolens L.) and Mangkokan (Nothopanax scutellarium Merr.) Leaf Extract on Male White Rabbits IJCMES, Vol. 6, Issue, 11, pp. 188-195 2016
3 A New Antidiabetic  Compound  8,9-dimethoxy Ellagic Acid from Sasaladaan (Peperomia pellucida L. Kunth) RJPBCS, 8(1S) : 269-274  2017
4. Larvicidal Activity of Curcuma heyneana Val. & v. Zijp Rhizome Against Aedes
aegypti Larvae.
2017(Suppl.) RJPBCS 8(1S): 80-88 2017
5 Antidiabetic Activity of Fractions and Sub Fraction of
Iler (Plectranthus Scutellarioides (L.) R. Br.) Leaves on
Diabetic Mice Induced by Alloxan
Res. J. Chem. Environ. Vol. (Special Issue I) : 5-10 


6. Comparative Study of Peperochromen-A From
Sasaladaan [Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth.] Herbs
In vivo and In vitro-Cultered on MS, WPM And
DKW Media
Res. J. Chem. EnvironVol. (Special Issue I)   : 104-110  2018
7 Antihypertensive Activities Instant Granul of
Combination Extract Roselle Flower Petals
(Hibiscus sabdariffa), Chayote Fruit (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.) and Aloe Vera Leaves in White Male Rats
Res. J. Chem. Environ.Vol. (Special Issue I): 63-70  2018
8 Cytotoxicity of Garcinia mangostana L. Pericarp Extract,
Fraction, and Isolate on Hela Cervical Cancer Cells
J.  Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 10(2), 2018, 348-351 2018
9 Activity of Cassia fistula L. Barks fractions as antibacterial agent J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 10(2), 304-309 2018
10 Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of the ethanol
extract of Cassia fistula L. Barks
J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 10(6), 1415-1417 2018
11 A Review on Medicinal Plants With Antidiabetic Activity From Rubiaceae Family Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2018, 9 (7)ISSN 2230 – 8407 2018
12 Separation of Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Mengkudu Fruit (Morinda citrifolia L.) and its Hypoglycemic Activity by Glucose Tolerance Method Res. J. Chem. Environ Vol. 23 (9) 2019
13 Antibacterial activity and subchronic toxicity of Cassia fistula L. barks in rats Toxicology Report 7: 649-657 2020
14 Formulation of Creams Containing Active Fraction of Cassia fistula L. Barks and its Antibacterial Activity Against Propionibacterium acnes and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pharmacogn J. 12(4):1-6 2020
15 Antimalarial Activity of Lamiaceae Family Plants: Review Sys Rev Pharm; 11(7):324-333 2020
16 Microparticles of Herbal Extracts with Antioxidant Activity Pharmacogn J. 2021; 13(1):1-9 2020

National Accreditation Journal

No Tittle Journal Year Sinta
S1-S2 S3-S4 S5-S5
1 Aktivitas Antidiabetes Ekstrak Etanol daun Iler (Plectranthus scutellaroides (L.) R. Br.) Pada Tikus Putih Galur Wistar Dengan Metode Induksi Aloksan Farmaka 2016
2 Aktivitas Antihipertensi Ekstrak Kering Terstandarisasi
Kelopak Bunga Rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)
Hasil Produksi Skala Pilot
Jurnal Sains Dan Kesehatan. Vol 1. No 10. 554-560
P-ISSN: 2303-0267, E-ISSN: 2407-6082
3 Review of Natural Remedies For Accelerate Diabetic Wound Healing J. Trop. Pharm. Chem. Vol 4. No. 3. 147-153
P-ISSN: 2087-7099; E-ISSN: 2407-6090
4 Aktivitas Imunomodulator Ekstrak Etanol Daun Pepaya (Carica papaya L.) dengan Metode Induksi Bakteri dan CBC-Diff J. Sains Kes. 2020. Vol 2. No 4. p-ISSN: 2303-0267, e-ISSN: 2407-6082 2020
5 Review: Analisis Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif Kandungan Senyawa Kimia Herba Sasaladaan (Peperomia pellucida (L) H.B.K) 1.       Vol 2 No 4 (2020): Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan 2020
6 Senyawa Bioaktif Kromen pada Genus Peperomia Kartika: Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi, Des 2019, 7(2), 73-78 73 P-Issn 2354-6565 /E-Issn 2502-3438 2020



No Seminar/Symposium Place Year Position
Plenary/Invited Oral Poster
1 The 2nd ISPST Bandung 2016
2 The 2nd ISEJ Bandung 2017
3 Seminar Nasional Pharmacopeia Bandung 2019
4 Seminar Stikes BTH, Tasikmalaya 2018
5 3rd ISPST Bandung 2019
6 Seminar Nasional Pharmacopeia Bandung 2019
7 Seminar Jamu_Dinas Kesehatan Sukabumi 2019
8 Seminar Nasional Diazepam Bandung 2020
9 Seminar Nasional Pharmacopeia Bandung 2020
10 4th ISPST Bandung 2020



a. Scientific Journal  
No Position and Journal Year
1 Reviewer  of IJPST Universitas Padjadjaran 2018-2020
2 Reviewer of JSK Universitas Mulawarman 2018-2020
3 Reviewer of JSFK Universitas Andalas 2020
b. Research Proposal  
No Organization Year



No. Title No Patent Years
1. HKI  Cassia fistula article EC00201987540, 2019
2. HKI Inventor of Etnofarmasi Book EC00201901205, 2019



No Tittles Press ISBN Year
1 Etnofarmasi 2019
2 2016
3 2016