
Dr. apt. Tina Rostinawati, M.Si

Head of Microbiology and Biotechnology Laboratory

Personnal Information

Name Dr. Apt. Tina Rostinawati, M.Si
NIP 197301032006042001
Place and Date of Birth Jakarta, 3rd of January, 1973
GenderStructural position FemaleHead of the microbiology and biotechnology laboratory
Office address Fakultas Farmasi Universitas PadjadjaranJl Raya Jatinangor Sumedang Km 21 40600
Field of expertise Microbiology and Biotechnology
  • Education

No Degree Institution Years of Graduation 
1 Bachelor in Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung 1997
2 Pharmacist Institut Teknologi Bandung 1998
3 Master in Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung 2006
4 Doctoral in Chemistry Institut Teknologi Bandung 2015
  • Research and Grants in the past 5 years

No Grant’s Name Years  Funding Source
1. Penelitian Dasar (Basic Research Grant)Title : Pembuatan Ll-37 Rekombinan Dan Skrining Aktivitasnya Terhadap Bakteri Isolat Klinis Resistensi Antibiotik 2020 Ministry of Research and Technology
2. Riset Fundamental Unpad (Unpad Fundamental Research Grants)Title : Scfv anti-Her2 rekombinan yang dikonjugasi dengan nanopartikel emas sebagai kit diagnostic 2019 Unpad’s Internal Grants (Extention)
3. Riset Fundamental Unpad (Unpad Fundamental Research Grants)Title : Scfv anti-Her2 rekombinan yang dikonjugasi dengan nanopartikel emas sebagai kit diagnostic 2018 Unpad’s Internal Grants (Extention)
4. Riset Fundamental Unpad (Unpad Fundamental Research Grants)Title : Scfv anti-Her2 rekombinan yang dikonjugasi dengan nanopartikel emas sebagai kit diagnostic 2017 Unpad’s Internal Grants
  • Scientific Publication in the past 5 years

No Titles Journal Name Year, Volume, Issue Journal Index (International / National)
1. Characterization of Anti-HER2 scFv Gene Expression as Intracellular Protein in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigasion 2020 Vol. 10 (No 2) International
2. Real-time monitoring of rhamnose induction effect on the expression of mpt64 gene fused with pelB signal peptide in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) (co-author) Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Techno;ogy and Research 2020 Vol 11 Issue 2 International
3. Polymorphism Of The APM1 Gene In Subjects With Central Obesity Related To Lower High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (co-author) Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity : targets and therapy 2020Vol. 12, 2317–2324. International
4. Apoptosis-mediated antiproliferation of A549 lung cancer cells mediated by Eugenia aquea leaf compound 2′,4’‑dihydroxy‑6′-methoxy‑3′,5’‑dimethylchalcone and its molecular interaction with caspase receptor in molecular docking simulation (Co-author) Oncology Letter 2020, Vol 19 Issue 5 International
5. Extraction of atenolol fromspiked blood serum using amolecularly imprinted polymersorbent obtained byprecipitation polymerization (Co-author) Heliyon 5 (2019) e01533. Heliyon International
6. Characterization and antioxidant activity of pectin from Indonesianmangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) rind (Co-author) Heliyon 5 (2019) e02299 Heliyon International
7. Optimization of Secreted Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor Production Using Pectate Lyase B from Escherichia Coli BL21(DE3) by Central Composite Design and Its Production in High Cell Density Culture (co-author) J. Pharm. Bioallied Sci 2019 Vol. 11 (Supp 4). International
8. In vitro Activity of Rambutan Binjai (Nephelium lappaceum) Peel Extract from Indonesia to Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) J. Pharm. Sci. & Res Vol 10 (11), 2018 International
9 Construction and Expression of Synthetic Gene Encoding MPT64 as Extracellular Protein in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) Expression System (Co-author) J. Pharm. Sci. & Res Vol 10(10), 2018 International
10 Modulation of Caspase-3 Expression by Arcangelisia flava Post Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rat’s Liver (Co-author) Indonesian Biomedical Journal Vol 10(2), 2018 International
11 Amplification of Gene encoding 16s RNA and AntibioticResistanceTesting for Bacteria causing upper respiratory Tract Infection Pneumonia in Patient Sputum Sample Res. J. Chem. Environ. Vol. 22 (3) March (2018) International
12 Identification of Bacteria Causing Dental Caries through Genetic Testing and Activity Assay of Toothpastes Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences andResearch Vol. 10(3), 2018, 511-513 International
13 Construction and Expression of Synthetic-geneencoding anti-HER2 scFv Fused with pelB inEscherichia coli BL21 (DE3) Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences andResearch International
14 Antimicrobial Susceptibilities Of Pneumococcal Bacteria IsolatedFrom Adults Patients In A Certain Hospital In Indonesia (Co-author) International Journal Of Current Medical Sciences Volume7, Issue 1, 2017 International
15 Identification Of Bacteria Causing Necrotic Pulp With 16s rRNA GenePolymerase Chain Reaction And Antibiotic Resistance Testing At The DentalHospital In Sekeloa, Bandung, Indonesia Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical ResearchOnline – 2455-3891Print – 0974-2441 Volume 10, Issue 6, 2017 International
16 Extracellular secretion recombinant of human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) using pectate lyase B (PelB) Signal peptide in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) (Co-author) Int. Res. Pharm.Sci Volume 8. Nomor 1, 33-40, 2017 International
17 The Existence Of Gene Deoxyribonucleic Acid Polymerase Mutation FromPositive Hepatitis B Samples In Bandung, Indonesia Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical ResearchOnline – 2455-3891Print – 0974-2441 Special Issue, May, 2017 International
18 Y93F Substitution of Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase from Bacillus sp. A2-5a and Its Enzyme Characterization. (First Author) Biotechnology Volume 14 Issue 4, Juli 2015 International
  • Patents and Intellectual Property Rights in the past 5 years

No Title Years Certificate Number
  • Service to the community in the past 5 years:

No Activities Years Funding Source Amount(Mio IDR)
1 Dissemination of Disease, Diagnosis and Therapy of Breast Cancer in Cinunuk Village 2018 Directorate of Higher Education 10
2 Early Detection of Tuberculosis as Efforts to Prevent Tuberculosis Transmission and Research-Based Training on Herbal Treatment for Anti-Tuberculosis 2018 Directorate of Higher Education 10
3 Strengthening of Youth and Community Organization Institutions through TrainingIncreasing Family Nutrition as Efforts to Overcome Stunting Problems(Nutritional Deficiency Problem) By Using The Yard InHousing of Santo Borromeus, Bandung Regency 2018 Directorate of Higher Education 10
  • Experience in managing academic institutions:

No Institution Position Period
1. Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Padjadjaran Head of the microbiology and biotechnology laboratory 2018-2020
2. Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Padjadjaran research and collaboration manager 2017
3. Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Padjadjaran governance manager 2016