
Prof. Dr. apt. Ida Musfiroh, M.Si

Ketua Program Studi Profesi Apoteker
Nama Lengkap Prof. Dr. apt. Ida Musfiroh, M.Si.
NIP 19751127 200112 2 002
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir Lamongan, 27 Nopember 1975
Kepakaran Kimia Analisis Farmasi
Golongan/Pangkat IIId/Penata Tk.I
Jabatan Akademik Lektor
Instansi Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Padjadjaran
Alamat Kantor Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km.21 Jatinangor Sumedang 45363
Telp/Fax : 022-7796200/022-7796200
Alamat Rumah Jl. Kav Geologi No. 4Cisaranten Kulon, Bandung, Indonesia, 40291
Alamat e-mail


  • Sarjana [S1] Farmasi – Universitas Padjadjaran [1998]
  • Profesi [Apoteker] -Universitas Padjadjaran [1999]
  • Magister [S2] Analisis Makanan – Institut Teknologi Bandung [2003]
  • Doktor [S3] Farmakokimia – Institut Teknologi Bandung [2011 – skr]



Description Institution, Country


Validation of Analytical Methods using HPLC. Department Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, Indonesia


Instrumen Course : Potentiometry, Derivative Spectrofotometry, GC-MS, TLC Scanner, HPLC with PDA Detector Department Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, Indonesia


Short Course Instrumentation of BA-BE Department Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, Indonesia


Short Course of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Method Indonesian National Instritute of Science (LIPI), Indonesia.

2-3 August 2009

Biomolecular Laboratory Technical Skill IV (Cell Culture and Tissues) , University of Indonesia, Indonesia.

August, 2009

Short Course Medicinal Chemistry,by Hugo Kubinyi. Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB Bandung), Indoensia

May 19-20, 2009

Good Weighing Practice, Almega Competency Training Center, Bandung, Indonesia


Short Course of Cell Culture and Tissues and Bioassay by MTT Methods UGM, Yogyakarta

Oct, 2010

Training of Advances Technology for Bioimaging of Plant, Animal and Cell. Bionoeticos, Bangkok, Thailand

Des 2011

Computer Aided Drug Design (CADD) Training USM, Malaysia


Instrumental Analysis Workshop Elementary analysis, LC-MS-MS, Anion analysis PPBS UNPAD


  • Asisten Ahli  Madya
  • Asisten Ahli
  • Lektor


  • Staf Pembantu Dekan II Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Padjadjaran (2007 – 2010)
  • Kepala Laboratorium Kimia Analisis Dasar Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Padjadjaran (2005 – 2012)
  • Staf Pengembangan SDM Edukatif (2011 – sekarang)


A. Mata Kuliah yang diampu:

  • Kimia Analitik
  • Analisis Fisikokimia I

B. Team Teaching pada Mata Kuliah:

  • Kimia Analisis Makanan
  • Pengolahan dan Pengawetan Bahan Makanan (PPBM)
  • Analisis Instrumen


A. Publikasi dalam Jurnal Nasional dan Internasional

  1. Chemical Characterization of Volatile Oil of Alpinia Galanga Rhizoma, Bionatura,Journal of Life and Physical SciencesVolume 6, No 3, November 2004, page 272-284. Muchtaridi, Nurdjanah, Musfiroh I.
  2. Accuracy and Precision Test of Quantitative Analysis Method of Formaline in Tofu Sample, Farmaka, Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy Science, Volume 5, No 1, April 2007, page 30-41.Indriati W, Musfiroh  I.
  3. The effect of soaking, washing, and frying on the concentration of formaldehyde in sange belah salty fish, Bionatura, Journal of Life and Physical Sciences,Vol 12 No.1 Maret 2010. Jutti Levita, Ida Musfiroh, Wiwiek Indriyati, resmi M.
  4. Analisis dan Aktivitas Antiinflamasi Tulang Rawan Ikan Hiu, Jurnal Akuatika Vol 1 nomor 2, September 2010, ISSN 0853-2523, Ida Musfiroh dkk.
  5. Aktivitas Antiproliferasi Ekstrak, Fraksi Etil Asetat dan Isolat Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) pada Sel T47D dengan metode SRB, Bionatura, Juli, 2011, Ida Musfiroh dkk.
  6. The Development of Glucosamine analysis in The Shark Cartilage Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography, International Journal of Medical and Pharma Research, Volume 01 (Desember,2011), Ida Musfiroh, Aliya Nurhasanah.
  7. DETERMINATION OF ALCOHOL CONTENTS OF FERMENTATED BLACKTAPE KETAN BASED ON DIFFERENT FERMENTATION TIME USING SPECIFIC GRAVITY, REFRACTIVE INDEX AND GC-MS METHODS, Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences2012/13 : 2 (3) 933-946, Muchtaridi Muchtaridi, Ida Musfiroh, Nunu Nugraha Hambali, Wiwiek Indrayati,
  8. CAPSAICIN LEVEL OF VARIOUS CAPSICUM FRUITS, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN- 0975-1491 Vol 5, Issue 1, 2013, IDA MUSFIROH, MUTAKIN MUTAKIN, TREESYE ANGELINA, MUCHTARIDI MUCHTARIDI.
  9. In silico Study of Asiatic Acid Interaction with inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS) and Cyclooxgenase-2International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJPPS), Supl March, 2013, Ida Musfiroh, Nursamsiar, Ahmad Muhtadi, Rahmana E. Kartasasmita, Daryono H. Tjahjono, Slamet Ibrahim S.

B. Buku/Bab Buku yang Diterbitkan

  • Metode Penelitian Tanaman Obat,   ISBN: 978-602-8323-54-3, Penerbit Widya Padjadjaran, Bandung (2011)

C. Makalah/Poster





Development of Betasianin as  Acid Base Indicator

Farmasi, ITB

2006 A Development Qualitative and Quantitative Method Analysis Simultaneous of Uric Acid and Allopurinol Mixture, in Urine Using HPLC. Universitas Udayana, Bali.
2006 Proximate Analysis from Shark Cartilage Universitas Andalas, Padang, Sumatra Barat
2007 Formulasi Gel Ekstrak Selederi dengan Basis Aqupec ISFI Pusat
2007 Kegiatan Posyandu sebagai Upaya Peningkatan kesehatan Ibu dan Anak UKM, Malaysia
2008 Preservative Analysis of Food by HPLC Seafast center, IPB
2008 Validasi Metode KCKT untuk Penentuan Kadar Residu Kloramfenikol dalam Jaringan Ikan Mas ISFI, Yogyakarta
2008 Determination of Curcumin from Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb Rhizome by HPLC, IPB, Bogor, Indonesia.
2008 Quantitative Analysis of Capsaicin of Various Species from Capsicum Fruits by HPLC Kimia Unpad, ISC, Oct. 2008
2009 Antiproliferation Activity of Extract, Aethyl Acetate Fraction, And Isolate From Turmeric  (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) Rhizome On Breast Cancer Cell T47D. ITB, Bandung.
2009 Analisis Proksimat dan Aktivitas Antiinflamasi Tulang Ikan Hiu,  LPPM, UNPAD
2009 An Analysis of Capsaicin Level of Varoius Capsicum Fruits. Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
2010 Anti Inflammatory Activity of Shark Cartilage Fakultas Farmasi, UNPAD
2010 Genistein and Daidzein Interaction on Human Receptor, Estrogen Receptor-α. University of Chiang-Mai
2010 Interaction of Xanthorrhizol and its Analogue 12,13-dihydroxanthorrhizol with Human Estrogen Receptor-alpha, University of Chiang-Mai.
2010 Glucosamine Analysis in Shark Cartillage using High Performance Liquid Chromatography 1st Pharmaceutical Sciences and Exhibition, Penang, Malaysia, 2010
2012 Interaction of Asiatic acid and Madecassic acid as antiinflammatory : Computational Modelling International Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society, Univ Brawijaya, Malang, 4-5 September 2012


  • Pendidikan dan Penyuluhan Bahaya Narkotika dan Kesehatan Reproduksi, SMP al Hasan, Cibiru, 2005.
  • Penyuluhan dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Selai Lembaran Terung Belanda sebagai Upaya Diversifikasi Komoditi Pangan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Program Teknologi Tepat Guna kepada masyarakat di derah Ciwidey, 2007.
  • Penyuluhan Bahaya NAPZA, Cibiru Bandung, 2007.
  • Penyuluhan Pendidikan Seks pada Siswa SMP Al Hasan, Cibiru Bandung, 2007.
  • Pelatihan Pengolahan Produk Makanan Tanpa Formalin dan Boraks kepada masyarakat di Desa Sayang, Jatinangor, Sumedang, 2008.
  • Penyuluhan Obat Obat Terlarang dan Minuman Keras  pada Ibu Ibu PKK, Cipelah, Ciwidey Bandung, 2009.
  • Penyuluhan tentang “Pemanfaatan Limbah Air kelapa sebagai Pemanis Alami”, Darawati, Cipatujah, Tasikmalaya, 2011.


  1. Ida Musfiroh, Mutakin, Sriwidodo, Analysis of Capsaicin from Capsicum sp. By HPLC, International Seminar on Chemistry 2008, Jatinangor campus Padjadjaran University, 30-31 Oct 2008. (Poster presentasi).
  2.  Ida Musfiroh, Ajeng Diantini, Linar Zalinar U, Ambarsai A, Antiproliferation Activity of Extract, Aethyl Acetate Fraction, And Isolate From Turmeric  (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) Rhizome On Breast Cancer Cell T47D, Bandung International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry, Bandung, August 6-8 2009, (Poster presentasi).
  3. Ida Musfiroh, Rina Suhayanah, Nurdjanah A, Muchtaridi, A Development Qualitative and Quantitative Method Analysis Simultaneous of Uric Acid and Allopurinol Mixture, in Urine Using HPLC, International Conference on New Technique in Pharmaceutical, Biomedical & Analytical Research, Bali 21-23 August 2006.
  4. Ida Musfiroh, Mutakin, Determination of Curcumin from Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb Rhizome by HPLC, The First International Symposium on Temulawak (Cucuma xanthorrhiza Roxb), IICC Bogor, Indonesia, May 27-29, 2008.
  5. Ida Musfiroh, Wiwiek Indriyati, Sri Adi Sumiwi, Muchtaridi, Mutakin, Jutti Levita, Analisis Proksimat dan Aktivitas Antiinflamasi Tulang Ikan Hiu,  Seminar Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Pekan Ilmiah UNPAD, 16-19 Nov, 2009, dibiayai oleh Dana PHB DIKTI 2009. (Oral presentasi)
  6. Ida Musfiroh, Emma S, Sri adi S, Jutti L, Wiwiek I, Anti Inflammatory Activity of Shark Cartilage, In the International Seminar and Expo on Jamu 2010, Bandung, Indonesia Nov 5-6 2010. Grant of Penelitian Hibah Bersaing DIKTI, 2010.(Oral Presentation)
  7. Ida Musfiroh, Mutakin, Tressye Angelina, An Analysis of Capsaicin Level of Varoius Capsicum Fruits, Second Collaborative Conference “Live Science : Synergy for Enhancment of Quality of Life”, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia, 10-11 Feb 2009. (Oral presentation)
  8. Resmi Mustarichie, Jutti Levita, Ida Musfiroh and Yosep A. Nurhakim, Genistein and Daidzein Interaction on Human Receptor, Estrogen Receptor-α, 1st Internastional Conference on Computation for Science and Technology, Chiang-Mai, 3-6 Agustus 2010.
  9. Ida Musfiroh, S.Si., M.Si (Poster Presentation, Ketua ), Interaction of Xanthorrhizol and its Analogue 12,13-dihydroxanthorrhizol with Human Estrogen Receptor-alpha, 1st Internastional Conference on Computation for Science and Technology, Chiang-Mai, 3-6 Agustus 2010.
  10. Ida Musfiroh, Ahmad Muhtadi, Muchtaridi, Daryono H. Tjahjono, Rahmana E. Kartasasmita, Slamet Ibrahim. Study of  Asiatic Acid as Anti-inflammation: Molecular Docking Simulation and  Pharmacophore Analysis , The 2nd International Conference on Computation for Science and Technology (ICCST-2), 9-11 Juli 2012, Nigde-Turkey,
  11. Ida Musfiroh, Ahmad Muhtadi, Muchtaridi, Daryono H. Tjahjono, Rahmana E. Kartasasmita, Slamet Ibrahim.   Interaction of Asiatic Acid and Madecassic Acid  as Nf-κB and Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitors by Computational Modelling, The 1st International Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society, 4-5 September 2012, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang-Indonesia.
  12. Slamet Ibrahim S., Daryono H Tjahjono,  Ida MusfirohInteraction Study and Structure Activity Relationship of Asiatic Acid Derivative of  Centella asiatica as a Antiinflammatory By Molecular Docking, Pameran Hasil Penelitian ITB, November 2012, Aula Barat ITB Bandung.


  • Himpunan Kimia Indonesia (HKI)

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