
Prof. apt. Nasrul Wathoni, M.Si., Ph.D

Head of Bachelor Program in Pharmacy

A. Profile

1 Full Name Prof. apt. Nasrul Wathoni, M.Si., Ph.D.
2 Sex Male
3 Institution Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Padjadjaran Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education
4 NIP NIDN 198205042006041003/0004058202
5 Status/Jabatan Fungsional Golongan Associate Professor/Lektor Kepala IVa
6 H Index Scopus/H Index Google Scholar 5/9

Profil In Unpad :

B. Education

  Undergraduate Master Doctor
University Universitas Padjadjaran Institut Teknologi Bandung Kumamoto University
Field Farmasi Farmasetika Physical Pharmaceutics
Graduated 2004 2009 2017
Thesis titles Efektivitas Lecithin sebagai Emulgator dalam Sediaan Emulsi Minyak Ikan Pengaruh Iontoforesis Dan Zat Peningkat Penetrasi Terhadap Difusi Sediaan Gel Piroksikam Design and Evaluation of Sacran/Cyclodextrin Hydrogel Film for Wound Dressing Application
Supervisor Drs. Boesro Soebagio, MS. Apt Dr. Jessie Sofia Pamudji, MS., Apt. Prof. Hidetoshi Arima, PhD.

   C. Research grants

No Year Title Grant
1 2019-2020 Plester film hidrogel α-mangostin dari kulit manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) berbasis kitosan – alginat untuk mengobati sariawan (Reccurent Aphthous Stomatitis) Hibah Bersaing DIKTI
2 2019-2021 The New Antiproliferative Agents in Breast Cancer Cells and Potential Inhibitors of Human Estrogen Receptor from Polymeric Nanoparticles of Alpha Mangostin (G.mangostana): In Slico, In Vitro, and Formulation Hibah Bersaing DIKTI
3 2019-2021 Pengembangan hidrogel kitosan Liposom-hEGF (human Epidermal Growth Factor) Rekombinan Hasil Sekresi Ekstraseluler Menggunakan Escherichia coli BL21 Sebagai Kandidat Obat Penyembuhan Luka  Hibah Bersaing DIKTI
4 2017-2019 Pengembangan Sacran Hidrogel Film Sebagai Biomaterial Baru untuk Terapi Regeneratif pada Luka Diabetes Tahun 1 Riset Fundamental Unpad
5 2012 Pengembangan Biosensor Asam Urat yang Dikombinasikan dengan Teknik Reverse Iontophoresis:Upaya Deteksi Dini As Urat Tanpa Rasa Sakit Tahun 1 Hibah Bersaing DIKTI
6 2013 Pengembangan Biosensor Asam Urat yang Dikombinasikan dengan Teknik Reverse Iontophoresis:Upaya Deteksi Dini As Urat Tanpa Rasa Sakit Tahun 2 Hibah Bersaing DIKTI
7 2010 Pengaruh Propilenglikol terhadap Laju Difusi Krim Etil Vitamin C DIPA Unpad
8 2009 Pemanfaatan Getah Pohon Pisang dan Lendir Lidah Buaya Sebagai Sediaan Obat Untuk Luka Baka Hibah Strategi Nasional DIKTI
9 2007 Efektivitas Lesitin sebagai Emulgator dalam Sediaan Emulsi Minyak DIPA Unpad

  D. Publications

No Title Journal Volume/No/Year
1 Effect of Iontophoresis and Penetration Enhancers on The In Vitro Diffusion Of A Piroxicam Gel Int J Pharm Pharm Sci Vol 4, Issue 4,2012; 215-218
2 Measurement Of Uric Acid Level In Vitro by Reverse Iontophoresis. Int J Pharma Sci Tech. Vol-7, Issue – 1, January – June 2012. 27-34
3 Effect of iontophoresis and propylene glycol on the in vitro diffusion of ethyl vitamin c cream Int. Res J Pharm. App Sci., 2012; 2(4): 31-34
4 Measurement of Uric Acid Level In Vivo by Reverse Iontophoresis. Int J Emerging Tech Computational App Sci., 2013; 4(3); 319-324
3 Characterization and Optimization of Natural Maltodextrin-based Niosome. J App Pharm Scie. Volume: 3, Issue: 7, July, 2013. DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2013.3712.
4 A survey of consumer expectation in community pharmacies in Bandung Indonesia. J App Pharm Scie. DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2014.40114; 2014;4(1);084-090
5 Determination of uric acid level by polyaniline and poly (allylamine): Based biosensor J Adv Pharm Technol Res DOI:10.4103/2231-4040.126981; 2014;5(1);13-16
6 Biosensor for Uric Acid Determination Based on Combination of Polypyrrole and Poly(allylamine) Films J Young Pharm. doi:10.5530/jyp. 2014.1.72014; 6(1):39-41
7 Physically crosslinked-sacran hydrogel films for wound dressing application. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 89, August 2016, Pages 465-470.
8 Enhancing effect of γ-cyclodextrin on wound dressing properties of sacran hydrogel film International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 94, Part A, January 2017, Pages 181–186.
9 Enhancement of curcumin wound healing ability by complexation with 2-hydroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin in sacran hydrogel film Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 98, May 2017, Pages 268-276.
10 Repellent Activity of Essential Oils from Cananga odorata Lamk. and Cymbopogon nardus L. on Corn Starch-Based Thixogel. Journal of Young Pharmacists, 2018; 10(2s):S118-S123.
11 A Review on Herbal Cosmetics In Indonesia International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics. Vol 10, Issue 5 (Sep-Oct), 2018 Page: 13-16
12 Evolution of Contraceptive Implants: A Review. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics. Vol 10, Issue 6 (Nov-Dec), 2018
  Accelerated wound healing ability of sacran hydrogel film by keratinocyte growth factor in alloxan-induced diabetic mice International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics. 10(2), pp. 57-61, 2018
13 Host-Guest Interactions of α− Mangostin with (α, β, γ)− Cyclodextrins: Semi-Empirical Quantum Mechanical Methods of PM6 and PM7 Journal of Young Pharmacist Journal of Young Pharmacists 11 (1), 31, 2019
14 Fabrication of Native and Enzymatically Modified Durian Seed (Durio zibethinus Murr.) Starch   Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutics Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutics 1 (2), 1-6, 2019
15 Sacran Hydrogel Film Containing Keratinocyte Growth Factor Accelerates Wound Healing by Stimulating Fibroblast Migration and Re-epithelization Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2019, Volume 67, Issue 8, Pages 849-854, Released August 01, 2019
16 Application and characterization of in situ gel International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics   10(6), pp. 34-37, 2019
17 Advances in orally targeted drug delivery to colon Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology and Research 10(3), pp. 100-106, 2019
18 Characterization and antioxidant activity of pectin from Indonesian mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) rind Heliyon Heliyon 5(8),e02299, 2019
19 Formulation and characterization of mangostin in chitosan nanoparticles coated by sodium alginate, sodium silicate, and polyethylene glycol Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences 11(8), pp. S619-S627, 2019
20 Optimization of secreted recombinant human epidermal growth factor production using pectate lyase B from Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) by central composite design and its production in high cell density culture Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences   11(8), pp. S562-S566, 2019
21 Kahar method: A novel calculation method of tonicity adjustment Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences   11(8), pp. S635-S649, 2019
22 α-mangostin hydrogel film based chitosan-alginate for recurrent aphthous stomatitis Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 9(23),5235, 2019
23 Nanoparticle drug delivery systems for α-mangostin Nanotechnology, Science and Applications   13, pp. 23-36, 2020
24 The effectiveness of postoperative antibiotics following appendectomy in pediatric patients: A cost minimization analysis

Open Public Health Journal

13(1), pp. 80-86, 2020
25 Epidermal growth factor in sacran hydrogel film accelerates fibroblast migration Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology and Research 11(2), pp. 74-80, 2020
26 Synthesis of nano-α mangostin based on chitosan and Eudragit S 100 Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology and Research 11 (3), 95, 2020
27 Activity and Effectiveness of Recombinant hEGF Excreted by Escherichia coli BL21 on Wound Healing in Induced Diabetic Mice Journal of Experimental Pharmacology 12, 339-348, 2020
28 Enhancement of α-Mangostin Wound Healing Ability by Complexation with 2-Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin in Hydrogel Formulation Pharmaceuticals 13 (10), 290, 2020
29 Accelerated wound healing ability of Jatropha sap by iota carrageenan-poly (vinyl alcohol) hydrogel film Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology and Research 11 (4), 226, 2020

  E. Books

No Title Year Publisher
1 Menembus Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi untuk Peneliti Pemula 2017 Deepublish
2 Karakterisasi Sediaan Padat 2019 Deepublish
3 Karakterisasi Sediaan Cair 2019 Deepublish

  F. Patents

  1. Hak Cipta Buku Karakterisasi Sedian Padat, 2019, EC00201947669
  2. Hak Cipta Buku Karakterisasi Sediaan Cair, 2019, EC00201939533
  3. 3. Hak Cipta Merk Exc Sol UP, 2019, DID2019007072